Manolescu Eduard

Hi πŸ‘‹, I'm Manolescu Eduard Gabriel

A passionate software developer from Romania




Blogs posts

Connect with me:

eduard-gabriel-manolescu eduardgabriel_manolescu_ eduardgabr94564 eduard-gabriel-manolescu-552344298 eduard manolescu gabriel_eduard04_08_2003 eduardgabriel44 eduard man _gaspar.44 eduard44 eduard44 eduard44 @gabriel.eduard04.08.2003 unompenume eduard eduard44 gabriel_eduard01 gabriel.eduard04.08.2003 eduard44 gabriel.eduard04.08.2003 gabrieledua77n9 eduard.44 eduardmanolescu.44

Languages and Tools:

11ty amplify android angular angularjs apachecordova appwrite arduino aws azure babel bash blender bootstrap bulma c canvasjs cassandra chartjs circleci clojure cockroachdb codeigniter couchdb cplusplus csharp css3 cypress d3js dart django docker dotnet elasticsearch electron elixir ember erlang express figma firebase flask flutter framer gatsby gcp git go grafana graphql gridsome gtk gulp hadoop haskell heroku hexo hive html5 hugo ifttt illustrator invision ionic jasmine java javascript jekyll jenkins jest kafka karma kibana kotlin kubernetes laravel linux mariadb materialize matlab middleman mocha mongodb mssql mysql nativescript nestjs nextjs nginx nim nodejs nuxtjs objectivec opencv openresty oracle pandas perl photoshop php postgresql postman pug puppeteer python pytorch qt quasar rabbitMQ rails react reactnative realm redis redux ruby rust sapper sass scala scikit_learn scully sculpin selenium sketch solr spring sqlite svelte swift symfony tailwind tensorflow travisci typescript unity unreal vagrant vuejs vuepress vuetify webpack wx_widgets xamarin xd zapier




Compact display</img>
Detailed display</img>

I made different types of backends and frontends for python and javascript. I am trying to show here the frameworks and tools i know for these two languages. The present portofolio is the β€œmain” one

My github repositories

Main portofolio